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Zachzilla26/Z Films

Zachzilla26== Zachzilla26 is a famous youtuber who is a Godzilla fan and has been mentioned in some of Criticinator206's videos and he has mentioned Criticinator206 in some of his videos. Zachzilla26 is most famous for his commentaries on stupid youtubers (mainly beliebers) and his most viewed [Edd, n Eddy Video With Godzilla roars!]


Zachzilla26 has had Youtube Trouble. He would make a video (such as his Video Collection video), or write a comment that other people do not like. He would often find his Videos disliked more than they used to. He claims that "Theres always a Troll who doesn't like what I do, so they waste their time tracking down every single one of my Videos, and Dislike them without even watching them, and then block me so I can't Retaliate".

Such actions were getting in Extended arguements with The Archfiend, Justin Bieber fans, RedLetterMedia Fans, and Bronies. One mistake he made was where he made a comment to the Archfiend, and relized the mistake that the comment was meant for another video he uploaded other than the one he comment. It was such a bad match that The Archfiends fans called him "The Dumbest Person alive", although one Youtuber took it back after he Apologized.

One video he got Poor reception from was his Alicenation commentary, which struck the Attention of Teens who actually agreed with Alicenation, and non of the Adults who disagreed. Alicenation, in turn, made two replies: One for him to see, one for her fans that insults him behinds his back.

To date, the Only copyright strike he Recieved was for "Eclipse Hot Dog Commercial" in a claim filed by (where he got the Commercial), on August 29th 2011, just four Days after the release of "Return of the Demon". He held back on uploading videos, until after the School year started. This Copyright "BS" led him to his first Teen who Rants "Youtube Copyright Sucks", and his Second Commentary "An Unpleasant Youtube Copyright School Commentary".

Z Films[]

Z Films is Zachzilla26's "one man" company thats responsible for making videos such as "The Maze" and "Ed Wars Photo". Criticinator206 describes this as "The Brother Company To Criticinator Productions".

Teen Who Rants[]

Zachzilla26 has a series of videos called "The Teen Who Rants" in which he "rants" on about stuff mainly going on YouTube.


Youtube Copyright Sucks

TWR #1

Zachzilla26 Videos Gallery[]


A Very Legal Eric Douglas Commentary

Eric's Epic Downfall!


Commentary Responses

AliceNation is MEAN!!!!


The Maze




